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Danialand Waterpark est ouvert

Our waterpark is open.

    Our Services


    About us

    Vivez une aventure hors du commun

    The DANIALAND project is part of our country's overall policy aimed at promoting investment in the tourism sector by setting up tourist entertainment units with the aim of strengthening and enriching the existing infrastructures. , and diversify the offer in order to improve its attractive potential.

    DANIALAND is designed to be an appropriate solution to a need for entertainment in Greater Agadir, thanks to its geographical location, the multitude of products and services that go beyond understanding, which let us travel in an imaginary universe of leisure and pleasure


    Cable car in morocco


    Our waterpark is open.



    About us

    Useful Infos

    Find all the information you will need for an unforgettable stay at DANIALAND: how to prepare for your visit? Access to the park, hygiene measures as well as the map of the park.

    From the Cable Car, to the different types of themed restaurants, via the Aquaparc and our Accommodation. Contact us for more information on reservations.

    About us


    DANIALAND offers stays in different types of accommodation.



    What they say about us! Discover our clients testimonials.

    C'est magnifique, un très bon service, propre et qui ne procure pas de sensations de vertige.

    - Aicha, Agadir

    C'est une très bonne expérience, unique de son genre, à refaire !

    - Jamal, Rabat

    Nous avons beaucoup aimé cette aventure, et nous allons sûrement revenir.

    - Said, Casablanca

    About us

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